I always have this believe that it is very difficult to use clay and it has very delicate techniques required to even start sculpting anything, because I’ve never sculpt before.
Today, my teacher from portrait class introduced me a monitor of a sculpting stiudio who let me borrowed some clay and play around. It’s touchable, feelable zbrush!
Head Studies Classwork #01, work in Progress as of 01.28.10
Little Quick sketch of my J.Frank in front of his computer while he is playing RPG. Pastel Pencil on black paper
Another character sculpting in progress, for Gnomon website’s monthly digital sculpting contest: Norse Gods.
My choice is Skadi, Goddess of Winter, Hunting… etc. Here’s the model sheet
This is one model that I really enjoy drawing since her facial features is quite a classic beauty anatomically balanced:
And this week, I’m trying to practice drawing with a little more perspective, since that is one of my weak point. Also a little bit of cleaner contours:
After some very concentrated time of drawing, I did a quick lose 15 minutes figure with a few colored pencil: