spirit_mouse on Jun 28th 2008 Life Drawings
A solid understanding of human anatomy is very very important to make good 3d characters, so I have been going to the open sessions at Palette and Chisel to practice some life drawings. Here are some of the drawings I did in both long sessions and quick sketches sessions:

And of course, I also use my own hands and my dogs to practice more at home:

More to come, hopefully more and more improvement every time. 🙂
Tags: figure drawing, life drawing
spirit_mouse on Jun 2nd 2008 3D Projects
Took another Hardcore Modeling Challenge at CGTalk again. The topic is heavy metal, and I’ve picked the Probe Droid from the Star Wars. Here is the result after about 40 hours of modeling

Didn’t have time to finish UV and texture before the deadline, but I’ll definitely try to go back to finish the textures at a later time.
spirit_mouse on Apr 2nd 2008 3D Projects
Took about 12 hours in total for modeling and sculpting. About 5 hours for R&D and final rendering, finally get some nice looking renders:

More renders, turntable and work in progress here
spirit_mouse on Mar 25th 2008 3D Projects
I’m taking the CGTalk Hardcore Modeling Challenge #13 – Treasure of Louve. I’ve picked Nike Samothrace as my entry since it is one of my all time favorite fine art sculpture. Here is a WIP image of it:

spirit_mouse on Mar 20th 2008 3D Projects
From researching to rendering, this piece costed me about 30 hours: