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Archive for the 'Sketches' Category

Inktober 2021 – Chinese mythical creatures

I was trying to do another set of inktober sketches. However, had to give up half way through the month, because of, well, life…. ^^;; Parents don’t get a lot of “me” time, I was lucky to get as much done as I did

Anyhow I started the sketches of Chinese mythical creatures mostly based on the book 山海經 Shanhai jing (The Classic of Mountains and Seas, a Chinese classic text and a compilation of mythic geography and beasts.) It was fun, but quite a bit searching for references and quite time consuming

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Inktober 2020 – exotic animals

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Oahu Trip Watercolor Journal

Watercolor journal from my photographs of my trips to Oahu, Hawaii

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New Zealand Travel Journal

Watercolor & marker travel journal I did during and after (from my photographs) my trip to New Zealand (Rotorua, Hobbiton, Otago Peinsula, Dunedin, Queenstown) last year.

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More Fountain Ink Pen Drawings

Places I’ve been –

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Rome Travel Sketchbook

Medium – watercolor, ink pen

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Fountain pen

Testing fountain pen with a series of towns/cities I’ve been –

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Advent Calendar 2015

Animals watercolor sketches for Advent 2015

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Watercolor Travel Journal

During my short trip to Italy, I also made a first attempt to keep a watercolor travel journal. Though I didn’t fill up the whole sketchbook like I hoped, I managed to get a few fun paintings in there.

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Studies from the old masters

Went to a wonderful trip to Venice & Florence of Italy last month.

Link to photo gallery

Also spend a few hours here and there to study some of the old masters’ work and did some quick sketches.

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Advent Calendar Doodles 2014

During the month of advent, I had joined a couple friends to do a doodle a day based on a set of randomized words. It was a fun experience.

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Color pencil Flowers

Based off photographs I had taken of flowers, I’ve created this set of color pencil sketches.

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Lizard Sketch

Ink and marker sketch of lizard cychluracychlura
Lizard Cychlura cychlura inornata

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Art nights

Since last year, a few of my art friends have been gathering at my apartment every other week for an art night. It’s a good chance for us to do art projects that we couldn’t get to, or simply draw and sketch for a few hours. Throughout the year, I’ve been taking the chance to do some animal sketches 🙂

Lion Sketch

Lion Sketch

Lizard Sketches

Lizard Sketches

Animal Sketches: Bat, deer, jellyfish, peacock

Animal Sketches: Bat, deer, jellyfish, peacock


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Animal Body World

Took advantage of the Animal Body World exhibit this weekend to do some studies

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Ching Dynasty Empress

It’s been a long while since I last used pastel, it’s getting really rusty!
Maybe I can get back to that again soon….


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Animal Sketches and Studies

Drawing from photos may not be the best way to learn animals anatomy, but I just gotten the book The Weatherly Guide to Drawing Animals, and gave me the itch to do some quick sketches of animals.


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In between 3d renderings

Soft Pastel based off a photo of Thandie Newton as Dame Vaako in ‘The Chronicles of Riddick’



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